الثلاثاء، 1 أبريل 2008

Strange Animals

This creature is most probably the creation of an
environmental problem. Children at a nursery in
Weston-super-Mare, England spotted the
three headed frog hopping in the garden.

The blog famous cyclops kitten, Cy was first thought
to be a joke photo manipulation. Living only for a day,
It had only one eye and was noseless.


The most infamous headless chicken, Mike wowed
the world by living for 18 months which indefinitely
entered it into the Guinness World Records.
It could still live becuase
most of his brain stem and ear was left on his body.

هناك تعليقان (2):

yt يقول...

Your topice is very amizing

albanfsag يقول...

Really horrible pictures. From where you got these pictures?I want to see more about this topic. thank you